Tuesday, February 14, 2006


1. How do I contact Chimpware?

You can contact chimpware at the email chimpware@gmail.com. If the question is related to Chimpware, then we may feature it on another mailbag.

2. How do I link direct chimpware articles?

Due to the nature of our domain hosting, you will always see http://www.chimpware.org on the top of your URL bar. However, if you wish to directly link to chimpware articles, simply type in http://chimpware.blogspot.com into the URL bar, then click to the link you want. The URL will then be a direct link to the specific chimpware article.

3. How can I join Chimpware?

Although chimpware has now stopped recruiting contributors, if you still wish to be a contributor for us, then simply send us an email with an example of your work, and send it to chimpware@gmail.com, then we'll see what we can do!

More questions? Then contact chimpware@gmail.com, and if they're relavent, then they will be added into this FAQ.


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