Canada's New PM

(Part 1 was written the day after Stephen Harper was elected into parliament. Part 2 was written on Feb 10)
Part I
Finally a change for Canada. Finally someone who will (hopefully) be able to start fixing all the crap the liberals have done to our country.
First off, in my opinion, Harper is more capable of understanding parents in the childcare issue than Paul Martin was. Harper has young kids, is young himself, and i think that this could help him in the childcare issue.
Second, I believe that it shoudl be a priority to Harper to get back onto the good side of the Americans. We absolutely need them. Without them we would be a complete and utter third world country.
Third, I would be extremely happy if Harper could resolve the Quebec issue. Because Martin was completely ignoring them, Quebec wanted nothing more than to separate. But when they saw that a prime minister would be willing to listen to them, and actually do something about their issues, they won Harper 10 seats in that province. That's pretty good.
I just wish that the liberal supporters would actually open their eyes, and watch some news, and not forget the countless amount of things Paul Martin's government did to undermine the very foundations of this country. I just wish people would stop being so cowardly, and face up to the fact that a conservative government will most likely boost our global standing, our economy (lowering of GST), and just raise the standard of living for everyone, not just the select few Paul Martin chose to give dirty money to.
Part II
I would just like to say how freaking stupid the Canadian people, including myself, were in electing this new Prime Minister. As previously stated, I have been happy with the election of a minority conservative government in Canada, because I thought that they would be able to uphold the true Canadian values of honesty and integrity.
Well what an idiot I was believe this. Stephen Harper has now done exactly the same thing as Paul Martin (our previous PM). He preached to us about accountability, then he turns around and appoints a corrupt ex-liberal onto his new cabinet. This guy name Emerson was part of the Liberal money laundering scandal, and Harper used to his advantage Canadian ignorance to appoint a stupid idiot as a minister. WTF.
Now Harper has made all his supporters look like complete and utter idiots, and this infuriates me. I, among many others, fought to have this man elected into parliament, and now all the Liberal supporters are laughing at us. I am pissed off at being made to look this way, and I don't know about England, but I hope that politicians don't employ the same tactics to ridicule their supporters.
Rant Over.
Bumped Up by Admin as this is a really great article.
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