Monday, January 16, 2006

PSP Rant

This article originally was posted by Sideath on the 4colorrebellion forums (please click title for link). Republished with permission of author.

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 10:55 pm Post subject: PSP

I bought a PSP when they first came out in the UK in September 2005. It was good for a while, Lumines and Burnout were fun, and there were a few games I was looking for on the horizon, such as GTA and Infected. I could [almost] (but not quite) say that in the month of September, I enjoyed my PSP more than my Nintendo DS (blasphemy!). I even forked out a substantial amount of money to buy a 1Gb memory card for it, where I loaded up new maps for Wipeout Pure and put music on. However, once GTA came out, everything changed. I now dislike the PSP for several reasons:

1) The PSP Battery Life is too low in the modern day and age to be considered adequate. I could only manage three hours max on GTA, and probably seven hours on Lumines.

2) The PSP Screen has a host of problems. Dead Pixels greatly reduce your gaming experience, and its get smudged so easily - even more so than my iPod. I never had to clean my DS more than twice a week, but I was cleaning my PSP hourly when I played it.

3) The PSP Crashes. Extrememly terrible. I hate it when it does that.

4) The majority of PSP games are not what I would consider 'handheld'. With a few exceptions (Lumines for one), lots of games I only played at home (where my charger was), such as GTA. This was because once the battery light turned low, you still needed you play for around 10 mins (to get back to your savepoint) before you could save. In many cases this would mean my PSP turning off, thus I would lose my advancement. This was VERY irritating.

So, Christmas 2005 I took the decision to sell it on eBay. Problem over. Now I'm enjoying my DS more than ever!

Sorry. Rant over. ;-)


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